An area to see the dashboards or tables and graphs can be set up and the user can share the same in a link to the team members. This setting is saved as automatic and the users can incorporate the same in the reports as well. Different forms of the table can be found out from the homepage or dashboard and the user can use the same in the data if they find it appealing.This platform makes it easy to share the questions or insights about the data within the team with the help of dashboards. Or they can come back later and check for the details in the dashboard. When the users have any questions or clarifications related to the data, they can post it on the dashboard so that any users who see the questions can look into the same and respond.Data can be made in any formats needed by the users whether in graphs or tables or any visual representation so that Metabase is a go to tool in the business.

Alerts can be set up in the tool so that when the data is out of control, alerts can be sent to all the team members in an organization. The interface with SQL helps the users to know the data with the complexities. When the data is complex that normal graphs and tables cannot understand the data easily, queries can be used to build the data using user interface and help the users. Area based filters can be applied to the data. It is very easy to make color code-based graphs or filters in the table so that user can grasp an idea of the data easily.It is very easy to create graphs and tables to make the visualization meaningful to the people who browse through the data. Filters can be applied to the data and needed data can be browsed throughout the table or the visualization in the tool so that information can be easily found out from the tables. SQL or any other coding is not needed in this tool and anyone can form meaningful conclusions about the data by asking any questions or summarizing about the data. A tool to share data and form different conclusions of the same from the analytics within the tool is called Metabase.